Course conditions & rental conditions

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Welcome to our training programmes. Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation that you are registered and have been allocated a place on the programme you have chosen. The confirmation will give you more information about the programme you have registered for. Read your confirmation carefully and contact us if you have any questions.


Unless otherwise stated, the course is held at C2 Training Centre, which is directly adjacent to our office in Uppsala. The address is Börjegatan 78, Uppsala. Entrance via the main entrance.
The address of C2 Training Syd is Bruksgatan 38, Höganäs (Höganäs Räddningstjänst).
Under kursen kommer vi att gå igenom teori och praktik enligt kursbeskrivning. Examination sker genom praktiska övningar och i vissa fall även skriftligt prov i slutet av kursen.
How to get here: Click here for a map and directions to C2, Börjegatan 78.
Click here for a map and directions to C2 Syd, Bruksgatan 38, Höganäs.


The training takes place between 8.30-16.30. We provide coffee and lunch during the training days.


We provide all safety equipment during the course. Bring casual clothes and good shoes - preferably those you use at your workplace. Avoid soft running shoes and do not wear sandals. All theoretical and practical teaching takes place indoors. All students complete a health declaration at the start of the course.


If cancellation is made earlier than seven (7) days before the agreed start of the course, 30% of the course fee will be charged. If cancellation occurs before the start of the course but within seven (7) days of the agreed start of the course, 80% of the course fee will be charged. C2 Vertical Safety reserves the right to cancel a booked course due to illness, not reaching the minimum number of students and force majeure. In the event of a cancelled course from C2's side, this course registration ceases to be binding. C2 Vertical Safety offers in this case a new course date.

Terms of payment

Course fee is invoiced upon booking. Payment must be received by C2 no later than 5 days before the start of the course or by separate agreement. In the case of card payment, the amount will be charged when booking.

PPE inspection

Many of our students bring their equipment and let us do the annual PPE inspection while they are on the course. Let us know in advance and we will schedule the inspection of your equipment. All personal fall protection equipment must be inspected at least once a year by a competent person.
The price for inspecting the equipment is 750 SEK/hour and we expect it to take about an hour to go through and document a person's equipment.

GDPR - Management of your personal data

What personal data do we collect about you as a customer and for what purpose (why)? Read more here!

Hire Training centre

You can also rent our facility for your own courses with your own instructors. NOTE! The instructors who will hold a course must be approved in writing by C2 in advance. C2 reserves the right to cancel the booking and also cancel the course if it appears that competing activities are being conducted. Contact us to check availability and book dates.


If you have any questions or want to know more about the course, please call us on 018 - 67 79 90.